To perform analysis on the inputs, click on the compute menu and select the compute menu item. This will perform the analysis for all the selected analysis models and for all the load-cases. If there are errors, notifications will pop up regarding the same. The results will be available in the analysis pane. For more details refer to the compute menu section.
One can also perform selective analysis by clicking on the ‘Compute’ button on the top right had corner of the respective pane.
Results of analysis are shown in separate panes for
· Axially Loaded Pile Analysis
· Laterally Loaded Pile Analysis
These get populated once the compute menu is clicked. Depending on the analysis selected in the project properties pane, the appropriate analysis pane will contain the results if the execution is successful. The Analysis tile will appear green after successful computation.
Pile capacity estimation provides the shaft friction, base capacity, and total capacity of the soil layers at varying depths for the pile.
Compute Pile Capacity
One can also run just the ‘Pile Capacity Estimation’ by clicking the ‘Compute Pile Capacity’ button on the top righthand corner of this pane. It will also populate all the graphs and tables below with the results.
Analysis tables
1. Pile Capacity Table
2. Unit Resistance Table
Analysis graphs
1. Axial Pile Capacity Diagram
2. Unit Shaft Friction Diagram
3. Unit Base Resistance Diagram
The pile capacity table tabulates the pile capacity estimation at various depths and soil layers. The table breaks down the total pile capacity into its two contributing factors viz. shaft friction and base capacity.
Note: One can specify the “Pile capacity depth interval” via Menu -> File -> Preferences
Calculates and displays the pile capacity at a specified depth by linear interpolation of neighbouring values from the pile capacity table. The ‘Depth’ value can vary between 0 and the maximum depth in the pile capacity table (Also the depth to which soil properties are specified).
Note: The pile capacity needs to be computed before this can be used.
If two values of pile capacity are present in the pile capacity table for a particular depth, the value of the deeper soil layer will be used.
The ‘Unit Resistance Table’ contains the unit shaft friction & unit base resistance experienced by the pile at various depths and soil layers.
Analysis graphs plot the contents of the analysis tables. The contents of the graph can be copied by right clicking on the graph and selecting ‘copy’ from the context menu. For cloud version, the graph can be saved as a 'PNG' image by right clicking on the graph and selecting ‘save' from the context menu.
Axial pile capacity diagram plots three graphs (a) Shaft friction, (b) Base capacity and (c) Total capacity of the pile vs depth.
Unit shaft friction diagram plots ‘unit shaft friction’ vs ‘depth’. The graph plots the ‘unit shaft friction’ column of the ‘Unit Resistance Table’ vs ‘depth’ column.
Unit base resistance diagram plots the ‘unit base resistance’ of the soil at various depths. The graph plots the ‘unit base resistance’ column of the ‘Unit Resistance Table’ vs ‘depth’ column.
Axial loaded pile analysis pane consists of three tabs viz
a) Axial analysis Tab: contains the results of the axial load-case analysis for all the loading scenarios
b) t-z Tab: t-z curves
c) Q-z Tab: Q-z curves
Compute Axial Analysis
One can run just the ‘Axially loaded pile analysis’ for all the load-cases by clicking the ‘Compute axial analysis’ button. This will also generate the ‘t-z’ and ‘Q-z’ tables & curves and display them in their respective tabs. In addition, it will also populate all the graphs and tables below with the results.
The Axial analysis tab consists of four tables and five graphs
Axial analysis tables
Axial analysis diagrams
1. Pile Head Settlement Diagram
2. Pile Base Settlement Diagram
The Pile Settlement Table details the ‘Pile head settlement’, ‘Pile base settlement’ and ‘Status’ of the execution for each of the load cases along with the ‘Axial head load’ applied or ‘Load case description’.
OK: indicates the analysis completed properly without errors
FAILED: The analysis failed to converge. Most likely the pile has ‘failed’ and the pile may not be able to support the axial load.
ERROR: There was an error in carrying out the analysis. Please check the values of all the input parameters.
VALIDATION ERROR: There may be errors in input which can cause this. This is typically caused when there are axial loads specified at more than 20 depths across load-cases.
The ‘Axial Force Table’ contains the axial force experienced by the pile at various depths for each of the load case. Each column in this table represents a separate load-case.
The ‘Axial Stress Table’ contains the Axial stresses experienced by the pile at various depths. Each column in this table represents a separate load-case.
The ‘Axial Settlement Table’ contains the pile settlement at various depths. Each column in this table represents a separate load-case. The first row represents the pile head settlement while the last row represents the Pile base settlement.
Axial analysis diagrams
Axial pile analysis diagrams plot the contents of the analysis tables. The contents of the graph can be copied by right clicking on the graph and selecting ‘copy’ from the context menu. For cloud version, the graph can be saved as a 'PNG' image by right clicking on the graph and selecting ‘save' from the context menu.
‘Pile Head Settlement Diagram’ plots the vertical settlement of the of the pile head for each of the loads applied.
If axial load at the pile head is only specified, the pile head settlement is plotted against the axial head load.
If additional axial loads along the length of the pile are specified for any of the load-cases, then the pile head settlement is plotted against each load-case as a column chart.
‘Pile Base Settlement Diagram’ plots the vertical settlement of the of the pile base for each of the loads applied.
If axial load at the pile head is only specified, the pile base settlement is plotted against the axial head load.
If additional axial loads along the length of the pile are specified for any load-case, then the pile base settlement is plotted against each load-case as a column chart.
‘Axial Force Diagram’ plots the axial forces experienced by the pile along its length for various loads. Each curve represents a load-case indicated by ‘LC’. Each curve represents an ‘Axial Force’ column of the ‘Axial Force Table’ plotted against the ‘depth’ column.
‘Axial Stress Diagram’ plots the axial stress experienced by the pile along its length for various loads. Each curve represents a load-case indicated by ‘LC’. Each curve represents an ‘Axial Stress’ column of the ‘Axial Stress Table’ plotted against the ‘depth’ column.
‘Axial Settlement Diagram’ plots the axial settlement of the pile along its length for various loads. Each curve represents a load-case indicated by ‘LC’. Each curve represents an ‘Axial Settlement’ column of the ‘Axial Settlement Table’ plotted against the ‘depth’ column.
The t-z tab shows the data and graphical representation of t-z curves at various soil depths. This is generated when ‘Axial loaded pile analysis’ is run.
Compute t-z Curves button: Click this button to generate the t-z curves for the project. The data in the soil properties pane and pile dimensions pane is used for generating the t-z curves.
t-z Depth Table & t-z Table:
The ‘t-z Depth table’ displays the depth of the various t-z curves. The t-z curve for the selected depth can be viewed in the adjacent ‘t-z Table’. The ‘t-z Table’ displays the t-z Curve for the selected depth in the adjacent ‘t-z Depth Table’.
t-z Chart:
The t-z Chart plots the t-z curves based on the data in the adjacent tables.
There are two options for plotting the curves.
a) Up to 20% of pile dia / up to pile dia. Use the toggle switch to select one of the options. If ‘Up to 20% of pile dia’ is selected, this option will plot the t-z curves with z values ranging from 0 to 20% of equivalent pile diameter. This helps with better visualization of the t-z curves since most of the values lie within this range before the t-z chart levels off.
b) Selected depths / All depths. Use the toggle switch to select one of the options. If ‘Selected depths’ is selected, this option will plot only the t-z curve associated with the depth selected in the ‘t-z Depth Table’. This option is useful to inspect a particular t-z chart. By default, t-z charts for all the depths are shown in the graph.
The Q-z tab shows the data and graphical representation of Q-z curves at the base of the pile. This is generated when ‘Axial loaded pile analysis’ is run.
Compute Q-z Curves button: Click this button to generate the Q-z curves for the project. The data in the soil properties pane and pile dimensions pane is used for generating the Q-z curves.
The ‘Q-z Table’ displays the Q-z Curve for the depth corresponding to the base of the pile.
Q-z Chart:
The Q-z Chart plots the Q-z curves based on the data in the ‘Q-z table’.
a) Up to 20% of pile dia / up to pile dia. Use the toggle switch to select one of the options. If ‘Up to 20% of pile dia’ is selected, this option will plot the Q-z curves with z values ranging from 0 to 20% of equivalent pile diameter. This helps with better visualization of the Q-z curves since most of the values lie within this range before the Q-z chart levels off.
Laterally Loaded pile analysis pane consists of the following tabs
a) p-y Static: p-y tables and curves for static loading
b) p-y Cyclic: p-y tables and curves for cyclic loading
c) Load-case tabs: multiple load case tabs displaying the analysis for the corresponding load cases.
Compute Lateral Analysis
One can also run just the ‘Laterally loaded pile analysis’ for all the load-cases by clicking the ‘Compute lateral analysis’ button. This will also generate the ‘p-y’ tables. It will also populate all the graphs and tables below with the results.
p-y-Static tab displays the data for the p-y curves under static loading for the project. Similarly, the p-y-Cyclic tab displays the data for the p-y curves under cyclic loading for the project. This is generated when lateral analysis is performed.
The below section holds good for p-y curves for Static & Cyclic loading. The two tabs are independent of one another.
Compute p-y Curves button: Click this button to generate the p-y curves in the tab. The data in the soil properties pane is used for generating the p-y curves. If the button in the ‘p-y Static’ tab is clicked, p-y Static tables are computed and displayed. Similarly, if the button in the ‘p-y Cyclic’ tab is clicked, p-y Cyclic tables are computed and displayed.
p-y Depth Table & p-y Table:
The ‘p-y Depth table’ displays the depth of the various p-y curves. The p-y curve for the selected depth is displayed in the adjacent ‘p-y Table. The ‘p-y Table’ defines the p-y curve points for the selected depth in the adjacent ‘p-y Depth Table’.
p-y Chart:
The p-y Chart plots the p-y curves based on the data in the adjacent ‘p-y Depth table’ and ‘p-y Table’.
There are two options for plotting the curves.
a) Up to 20% of pile dia / up to pile dia. Use the toggle switch to select one of the options. If ‘Up to 20% of pile dia’ is selected, this option will plot the p-y curves with y values ranging from 0 to 20% of pile diameter. This helps with better visualization of the p-y curves since most of the values lie within this range before the p-y chart levels off.
b) Selected depths / All depths. Use the toggle switch to select one of the options. If ‘Selected depths’ is selected, this option will plot only the p-y curve associated with the depth selected in the ‘p-y Depth Table’. This option is useful to inspect a particular p-y chart. By default, p-y charts for all the depths are shown in the graph.
Each load case analysis tab consists of three tables and four graphs
Lateral analysis tables
1. Summary
2. Deflection, Slope & Pressure Table
3. Shear Force & Bending Moment Table
Lateral analysis diagrams
Each load case analysis tab consists of tables tabulating the analysis results for the load case.
The summary table tabulates the absolute maximum values of ‘lateral deflection’, ‘bending moment’, ‘shear force’ and ‘soil pressure’ and the depths at which they occur.
Description shows the description you have entered for the load-case in the input parameters.
OK: indicates the analysis completed properly without errors
FAILED: The analysis failed to converge. Most likely the pile has ‘failed’ and the pile may not be able to support the lateral load.
ERROR: There was an error in carrying out the analysis. Please check the values of all the input parameters.
The Deflection, slope & pressure table contains the lateral deflection, slope and soil pressure experienced by the pile at various depths. Each point represents a node in the finite element analysis. Deflection towards right is considered positive.
The Shear, bending moment table contains the Shear forces & Bending moment experienced by the pile at various depths. Each point represents a node in the finite element analysis.
Lateral pile analysis diagrams plot the contents of the analysis tables. The contents of the graph can be copied by right clicking on the graph and selecting ‘copy’ from the context menu. For cloud version, the graph can be saved as a 'PNG' image by right clicking on the graph and selecting ‘save' from the context menu.
‘3D Shear Force Heat Map’ overlays the shear forces along the length of the pile on top of the 3D pile deflection diagram.
3D Bending Moment Heat Map’ overlays the bending moment experienced by the pile at various depths on top of the 3D pile deflection diagram.
‘Lateral Deflection Diagram’ plots the horizontal deflection of the pile at various depths. The graph plots the ‘lateral deflection’ column of the ‘Deflection, slope & pressure table’ vs ‘depth’ column.
‘Shear Force Diagram’ plots the shear forces along the length of the pile. The graph plots the ‘shear force’ column of the ‘Shear force and bending moment’ table vs ‘depth’ column.
‘Bending Moment graph’ plots the bending moment experienced by the pile at various depths. The graph plots the ‘Bending moment’ column of the ‘Shear Forces and Bending Moment’ table vs ‘depth’ column.
‘Soil Pressure Diagram’ plots the soil pressure along the length of the pile. The diagram plots the ‘Soil pressure’ column of the ‘Deflection, Slope & Pressure’ table vs ‘depth’ column.